First time trying this new beer from Bavaria for me: Arcobrau Premium Bavarian Zwickel Lager. The label says this beer has an alcohol content of 5.2% by volume and describes this as from “The Count’s Brewery”. More from the label:
Arcobrau Zwickel Traditional Unfiltered Lager Beer: Ever since 1567, only beers complying with the Bavarian Purity edict have been brewed in the Count’s Castle Brewery Arcobrau, guaranteeing you the ultimate in brewing process. This authentic tradition and brewing artistry can be tasted and enjoyed, making every sip a pleasure trip.
ZWICKL-a lager of those bygone days when beer was still enjoyed naturally cloudy and unfiltered. Today this beer specialty with its own distinctive taste is gaining more and more friends.
Zwickl beers/keller beers are not all that common, so I tend to pick them up whenever I see them. Unfiltered ales abound in plenty, but not so unfiltered lagers. So let’s give it whirl, shall we?
Arcobrau Premium Bavarian Zwickel Lager pours to a
cloudy golden color that becomes more and more hazy as I
swirl the yeast and rouse it from dormancy, then dispensing into my mug. A
prodigious head of foam forms atop and the nose is quite yeasty reminiscent
of a hefeweizen, thoug without the clove and banana. A bit of malt, crackery
and husky grainy comes through followed by yeasty notes well into the
finish. The beer is balanced but not really bitter.
I found this to be a tasty beer well worth trying, though I only saw it in singles at $2.29 each. If you’ve never had an unfiltered lager, this is a good one to look for and try.
And remember, try a new beer today, and drink outside the box.
*Pricing data accurate at time of review or latest update. For reference only, based on actual price paid by reviewer.