Every now and
then, a beer lover is disappointed. I suppose it happens to everyone sooner
or later. But I picked up some Black Strap Stout tonight, from
Bridgeport Brewing Company. And to paraphrase Garrett Morris, “Bridgeport
been berry good to me.” After their takeover by importer Gambrinus, after
all, they seemed to be doing OK.
I love their ESB
and IPA .
They’re both wonderfully hoppy delights. I had never tried the Black Strap
Stout before, though, and when I spied it I figured I couldn’t go wrong. The
free pint glass with a six-pack purchase was just icing on the cake, gravy
on the turkey. So I bought it. Here’s what they say:
Reminiscent of the great Irish stouts, BridgePort Black Strap Stout
combines a generous dose of Northwest hops with the sweetness of black strap
molasses to yield a rich and creamy brew.
Alcohol By Volume: 6.0%
Original Gravity: 15.0
BUs: 35
I don’t really get the molasses here, though it likely all fermented out.
But I do expect a good amount of body in an Irish stout. That’s something I
didn’t really get here. I did get some decent flavors, and overall I’d say
this is a decent beer, just not an overly exciting one. Not one I’d go out
of my way to drink again.
Bridgeport Black Strap Stout pours to a jet black color with a faint
tan head and a lightly roasty, chocolaty nose. As soon as I sip, I am
surprised at the rather thin body here. Certainly, Black Strap isn’t as thin
as a Budweiser, but for a stout I find it a bit lacking. There are some nice
roasty notes here akin to a good Irish stout, but overall the beer needs
more body. I do get some chocolate flavors here too. A little licorice too.
The flavors are all here, and with just a bit more body this one would kick
up to a solid four star brew.
In the finish, I get more of the roasted barley notes, but the beer thins
out in body a bit more and leaves me wanting…something more. Not to say this
is a bad stout, but I think it’s an average one, and nothing to write home
about. It was worth picking up for $7 with the glass included, but there are
plenty more out there I think I’d prefer in a pinch.
And remember, try a new beer today, and drink outside the box.
*Pricing data accurate at time of review or latest update. For
reference only, based on actual price paid by reviewer.