Those of you
regularly read my writings have no doubt noticed that I have been on a bit
of a Charles Dickens inspired kick this holiday season (as I am every
Christmas season). I have reviewed three film versions of A Christmas
Carol, as well as the original novel itself. Tonight, Christmas Eve, I’m
sitting before the computer with carols playing on the stereo, a fire
burning in the hearth, and a bottle of Ebenezer Ale before me. Scrooge the
beer? Why not!
I first saw an advertisement for this beer in All About Beer magazine, and I
knew I had to have it. The bottle alone was a celebration of the season, red
foil adorned with a picture of Mr. Scrooge post-Spirit visitation, face
curled in a smile and arms full of presents. A paraphrase of Dickens appears
as well:
“There are many things from which good may be derived, yet sorry few from
which greatness will appear. So it is in hope, and homage of the wonders of
a changed spirit, that we offer our seasonal ale. An appropriately rich and
complex winter warmer. Ebenezer Ale is a true celebration of the
season-rich, malty, and enough flavor to stand up to any figgy pudding.”
I actually did not think I’d get to try this beer this year, but fate
interceded in the form of one of Epinions greatest beer writers, David
Teykaerts, to whom I am very much in debt.
Would that I could only make it out to the Bridgeport Brewery this holiday
season. Bridgeport has an actor appearing nightly through December 29th who
portrays old Scrooge. Upon sipping this ale, he is instantly transformed
from crotchety old miser into an embodiment of the Christmas spirit (one
hopes he spreads his cheer by buying rounds for the patrons).
Bridgeport Ebenezer Ale is a tasty winter warmer with a slightly murky brown
color, a light head formation, and a sweet, very malty nose. The palate is
rich and complex, very yeasty, a tad musty, buttery, with hints of cinnamon
toast and an almost Ringwood yeast like character. The finish is dry and
balanced with a touch of hops. Alcohol is slightly elevated at 6.4% by
volume, multiple roasted malts are used.
A great beer with German Pfeffernusse cookies, a slice of Stollen,
and a bit of plum pudding, all of which I’m eating tonight. Think I’ll
follow this one up with an Old Fezziwig…..
Update 11/29/2012:
Sipping a bottle of 2011 Ebenezer I've kept in the back of
the DBR (Dedicated Beer Refrigerator) since last year. Delightfully malty,
with flavors of burnt toast and subtle spice. Lightly roasty, and well
balanced in the finish with subtly bitter hops. My bottle says 6.4% ABV as
in the past. As always, a wonderful beer, not to be missed should you find
And remember, try a new beer today, and drink outside the box.
*Pricing data accurate at time of review or latest update. For
reference only, based on actual price paid by reviewer.