Hofbrauhaus Freising Dunkel
Review Date 1/25/2025 By John Staradumsky
What’s the weather at the Hofbrauhaus? Why it’s always Freising, of course! That is, if you’re talking about the Hofbrauhaus Freising in Freising, Germany. Technically, Freising is pronounced Fry-zing (as I was reminded of by one of my German friends upon recounting this line), but then my pun would not work so well, would it?
Whatever the temperature, there’s always beer to warm you at Hofbrauhaus Freising, and if you can’t make it there, then maybe the beer can make it to you. My son this year showed up at my door with my annual assortment of beers for Christmas, amongst them a six-pack of Hofbrauhaus Freising Dunkel. I just love a good dunkel, and this is indeed a very good dunkel.
I had had this beer before but was happy to drink it again, and as I had never reviewed it, here I am. How does that even happen? I’m sure I don’t know, but I am setting things aright as you can see. On the brewery website they call this beer “Dunkel Export” and describe it as follows:
Urbayrisch. Unser Dunkel Premium verführt mit einer malzig-würzigen Note und leichten Karamelltönen. Süffig und doch erfrischend.
Which means in English:
Original Bavarian. Our Dark Premium seduces with a malty-spicy note and light caramel tones. Drinkable and refreshing.
Hofbrauhaus Freising Dunkel has an alcohol content of 5.2% by volume. Total Wine sells it for $12.99 a six-pack of 11.2 ounce bottles in Kennesaw, Georgia, which is where I think my son bought it. My bottles are stamped Produktion date 24163, Marcg 16th of 2024.
Hofbrauhaus Freising Dunkel pours to a dark brown color with a thick creamy tan head and a nose of toasted nuts and chocolate. Taking a sip, the beer is medium in body and again toasty nutty as the nose promised. It’s deliciously chocolate chip cookie like with the chocolate and the nuts, and the deep seated melanoidin notes permeate the beer. Finishes balanced with a gentle grassy hop kiss.
Just a wonderful Munich Dunkel from a wonderful German brewery.
Glad I tried it? T
Would I rebuy it??
*Pricing data accurate at time of review or latest update. For reference only, based on actual price paid by reviewer.
(B)=Bottled, Canned