Irlbacher Premium Vollbier Hell
Review Date 9/17/2024 By John Staradumsky
Welcome friends to the second beer that I am enjoying from the Webster Barnes Biergarten Collection of 24 German beers, sold at select Costco locations. That beer is Irlbacher Premium Vollbier Hell from Bavaria’s Schlossbrauerei Irlbach. Webester Barnes has the following to say about the brewery, which is new to me:
Anton Irlbacher founded the brewery in 1876, operating primarily as a traditional Bavarian brewery, producing a range of beers including lagers, wheat beers, and with a few specialty brews typical of the region. Maintaining a strong local following in Irlbach has helped the brewery remain a steadfast part of the community.
Irlbach says about the beer:
Das mild gehopfte, goldgelbe helle Bier. Ein süffges bayerisches Helles für jeden Anlass.
Which means if you don’t speak German:
The mildly hopped, yellow gold pale beer. A spicy Bavarian Helles for every occasion.
Irlbacher Premium Vollbier Hell has an alcohol content of 4.9% by volume. I paid $59.99 for the box of 24 half liter cans, a good deal at about $2.50 a can. Where are you going to geta craft beer single for $2.50 these days? It happens, but it is rare. My can was stamped 05.06.2025 on the bottom.
Irlbacher Premium Vollbier Hell pours to a pale golden color with a thick white head of foam and a nose of fresh bready malt. Taking a sip, the beer is light to medium in body, fresh bready with the crusts on. It finishes dry with a gentle, but not overpowering spicy hop bitterness.
A very fresh tasting Helles I would definitely drink again.
Other beers in this collection:
Rittmayer Hallendorf 1422 Festbier
Klosterbrau Neuzeller Anas Geheimnisse
Klosterbrauerei Neuzeller Traditions Gebräu Imperial Porter
Eichbaum Perfekte Zeit Wheat Pale Ale
Irlbacher Premium Weihnachts Festbier
Glad I tried it?
Would I rebuy it??
*Pricing data accurate at time of review or latest update. For reference only, based on actual price paid by reviewer.
(B)=Bottled, Canned