Traditions Gebraäu Imperial Porter
Review Date 1/4/2025 By John Staradumsky
Here’s another beer from the Klosterbrauerei Neuzell I received in the Costco Biergarten Collection box I bought last fall: Neuzeller Traditions Gebräu Imperial Porter. Now, porter is not a style of beer that is generally associated with German brewers, much less imperial porter. Imperial porters, not to be confused with Baltic porters, are mainly an American style that emerged on the west coast in the 1990s.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen an imperial porter brewed in Germany before, though there is certainly no reason why one cannot be brewed there and still comply with the Reinheitsgebot. That said, the name “Traditions” seems odd for a decidedly non-traditionally German style. There isn’t much information about this beer on the label or the Biergarten collection website, though the alcohol content of 8% is specified.
I did, though, find mention of an UrCraft Porter on the brewery website, which is listed at about the same strength (8.1% alcohol by volume). Neuzeller says about it:
Unser UrCraft Porter ist das einzige in Deutschland hergestellte Bier, das direkt vom Lagertank unfiltriert in Flaschen handabgefüllt wird und danach unmittelbar nur über
Online - Bestellung zu erhalten ist. Frischer und natürlicher geht es nicht.
Ein Urbier im reinsten Sinne des Wortes, mit allen natürlich enthaltenen Geschmacksstoffen. Das ist das Exklusive und Einmalige, was nur wir Ihnen als krönendes Geschmackerlebnis bieten können.
Which means if you don’t speak German:
Our UrCraft Porter is the only beer produced in Germany that is hand-bottled directly from the storage tank, unfiltered. It is only available via online order and then immediately bottled. It doesn't get any fresher and more natural than this.
An original beer in the purest sense of the word, with all the flavors naturally contained. This is an exclusive and unique thing that only we can offer you as a crowning taste experience.
Sounds like you buy order your beer online, they package it to order, and then you pick it up at the brewery, or perhaps they deliver. Very fresh either way. For the beer I am enjoying, my can says the beer is brewed by Klosterbrauerei Neuzeller GMBH and canned by Malcom S.A. in Czerwionka-Leszczyny, Poland. I paid $59.99 for the 24-can collection at Costco, which works out to $2.50 per can. Quite a bargain these days. My can is stamped 2107 2025 on the bottom.
Neuzeller Traditions Gebräu Imperial Porter pours to a jet-black color with a thick creamy tan head and a nose of dark roasted malts. A thick layer of Brussels Lace formed on the sides of my glass. Taking a sip, the beer is medium to more in body, roasty and smooth. It’s dark malty and dark fruity with fig and raisin, and hints at licorice and coffee. It finishes bitter with roasted malts and warm with alcohol.
This is very good indeed, and a one of the better beers in the collection.
Other beers in this collection:
Irlbacher Premium Vollbier Hell
Rittmayer Hallendorf 1422 Festbier
Eichbaum Perfekte Zeit Wheat Pale Ale
Irlbacher Premium Weihnachts Festbier
Klosterbrau Neuzeller Anas Geheimnisse
Glad I tried it?
Would I rebuy it??
*Pricing data accurate at time of review or latest update. For reference only, based on actual price paid by reviewer.
(B)=Bottled, Canned