Occidental Festbier
Review Date 10/5/2021 By John Staradumsky
Occidental Festbier. Surprise! It’s a Märzen! As everybody should know by now, there are (and have been for a few decades now) two kinds of Oktoberfest beer: Märzen, the original and my personal favorite, and Festbier, a paler, usually stronger version that is the most common at the Munich Oktoberfest today. When I hear the name Festbier, I expect the latter, but Occidental put one over on me.
They say on the label:
A smash hit at Occidental’s Oktoberfest, this year’s Festbier is a rich yet quaffable lager in the old tradition of Oktoberfest beers before light colors and flavors began to dominate the style. German noble hops provide a delicate hop character to pair with a firm malt profile featuring Munich and Vienna malts. Portland-area beer drinkers can enjoy these flavors during the transition from summer to fall while admiring the beer’s beautiful, deep mahogany color.
Occidental Festbier has an alcohol content of 6.3% by volume, which is more in line with a Festbier than a Märzen, but there you go. I paid $3.92 for my can from Craftshack.com, and that is the only pricing information that I have. My can has no freshness dating. I ordered it on September 26th of 2021 and received it on October 2nd, then drank it on October 4th.
Occidental Festbier pours to a deep chestnut color with a thick creamy tan head and a nose of toasted nuts. Taking a sip, the beer is medium in body with delightful Munich malty notes of toasted nuts and a hint of toffee/treacle. I get bread crusts and a gentle hop character at the last, but the beer finishes malty sweet.
Glad I tried it?
Would I rebuy it??
*Pricing data accurate at time of review or latest update. For reference only, based on actual price paid by reviewer.
(B)=Bottled, Canned