Hefeweizen isn't really from Germany, but you'll have no trouble believing it
is. The Pennsylvania Brewing Company has been brewing authentic German beer
styles for many years now, and this is certainly one of them. It's a flavorful,
refreshing wheat beer and a perfect quencher for hot weather. I picked up a case
of this, Pennsylvania Brewing's summer seasonal, for the patriotic price of
$17.76 a few days ago and I'm enjoying a glass on this very hot July 4th evening
in Philadelphia. The law in Pennsylvania mandates beer be sold in case lots
except at certain locations (bars and restaurants for example), but in this case
(pun intended) that was not a problem.
Penn Hefeweizen is a cloudy yellow in color with a big spritzy foam head
and a powerful yeasty nose. The bottom of the bottle is caked in yeast sediment
as a good hefe should be. I leave a little in the bottle as I am wont to do with
the style, swirl it around to loosen that yeast, and pour it into my glass. The
palate is packed with clove and banana from the authentic Bavarian yeast strain
used, the body light and drinkable, the palate tart and refreshing.
Great beer to match with a plate of grilled bratwurst and knockwurst, a side of
sauerkraut and another of hot German potato salad.
And remember, try a new beer today, and drink outside the box.
*Pricing data accurate at time of review or latest update. For
reference only, based on actual price paid by reviewer.