Chessie's Winter Lager

Review Date 1/13/2025 By John Staradumsky


Chessie has a winter lager! Did you know that? Well whoever Chessie is, Chessie does! I’m talking about Chessie’s Winter Lager, brewed by the rar brewing company of Cambridge, Maryland. And no, my keyboard didn’t fail me on the caps typing that, that’s just how they spell their name. Chessie’s Winter Lager is the first beer I’ve had from rar, and I’ll confess they were not really on my radrar (see what I did there?), although I would pick up a beer from their Out Of Order series if I came across it.

Chessie’s Winter Lager is named for the brewery’s Chessie’s Wharf location in Annapolis, where you can find their beers on tap (38 of them per their website). Maybe the Winter Lager is still on, if you’re lucky.

There is no listing for this beer on the rar website, but on their Facebook page they say:

Brewed using the traditional German hop, hersbrucker. Boiled with just the right amount of cinnamon, ginger and orange peel, this beer provides a fantastic aroma of winter spices. It’s the perfect transition into the colder days ahead.

Chessie’s Winter Lager has an alcohol content of 5.8% by volume and I paid $2.49 for my single 12-ounce can from Half Time. That’s a darned reasonable price these days. My single was stamped CANNED 10/18/24.

Chessie’s Winter Lager pours to a dark brownish black color with a medium sized, short lived head of foam and a nose of roasted malt and ginger. Taking a sip, the beer is medium in body and subtly roasty. It pops with hot ball cinnamon and spicy ginger and in the finish, bright citrus peel. It finishes with roast, too, and is satisfying indeed on a cold winter’s night.

This is a tasty spicy lager that I would love to enjoy again.

Glad I tried it?  T

Would I rebuy it??


*Pricing data accurate at time of review or latest update. For reference only, based on actual price paid by reviewer.

(B)=Bottled, Canned


