Rhaner Export Dunkel
Review Date 11/21/2024 By John Staradumsky
Here’s another great German beer I got from the Biergarten Collection case of singles I purchased at Costco. I’ll be the first to admit that some of these have been less than stellar, but overall and almost halfway through them, most have been quite good. Today’s beer falls into the quite good category most certainly, and that beer is Rhaner Export Dunkel.
This is my first beer ever from Bavaria’s Rhaner brewery, but if I can help it, it won’t be my last. Webster Barnes, the importer, says about the brewery:
Located in Bavaria, one of the five oldest German breweries with a continuous beer production history dating back to 1283. Embracing sustainability, they have converted their heat supply to use regenerative energy sources; including a biomass heating center that supplies a CO2 neutral process heat to the brewery.
And here’s what Rhanerbräu says about the beer on their website:
Nach altem Rhaner Braurezept als echte Spezialität eingebraut: Unser Export Dunkel – vollmundig, süffig und mild – mit tiefdunkler Kupfer-Farbe, weichen Karamel-und Kaffee-Noten und heller Schaumkrone ein Hochgenuss bayerischer Braukultur. Streng nach dem Bayerischen Reinheitsgebot! Das Rhaner Export Dunkel - ein körperbetontes, aber dennoch süffiges Bier mit dunkelmalz-aromatischem Hauptcharakter.
Which means if you don’t speak German:
Brewed according to an old Rhaner brewing recipe as a real speciality: Our Export Dunkel – full-bodied, drinkable and mild – with a deep dark copper color, soft caramel and coffee notes and a light head is a delight of Bavarian brewing culture. Strictly according to the Bavarian Purity Law! The Rhaner Export Dunkel - a full-bodied, yet palatable beer with a dark malt, aromatic main character.
Rhaner Export Dunkel has an alcohol content of 5.3% by volume and I paid $2.50 for my can ($59.95 for the collection divided by 24). That is an amazing deal. My can was stamped 30.07.2025 on the bottom, so best by July 30th next year. The label states this beer was canned by Malcom SA in Poland, but brewed by Rhanerbräu.
Rhaner Export Dunkel pours to a deep mahogany color with a thick creamy tan head and a nose of chocolate and toasted nuts. Taking a sip, the beer is softly chocolatey and again softly nutty with a light coffee note. The malt chimes in and together these elements combine to present chocolate chip cookie notes. The beer is creamy, clean and easy drinking and balanced in the finish with a gentle herbal hop aroma and light bitterness.
I thought this beer was delightful and would absolutely drink it again.
Other beers in this collection:
Rittmayer Hallendorf 1422 Festbier
Irlbacher Premium Vollbier Hell
Klosterbrau Neuzeller Anas Geheimnisse
Eichbaum Perfekte Zeit Wheat Pale Ale
Irlbacher Premium Weihnachts Festbier
Glad I tried it?
Would I rebuy it??
*Pricing data accurate at time of review or latest update. For reference only, based on actual price paid by reviewer.
(B)=Bottled, Canned