Samuel Adams Festbier

Review Date 9/3/2021 By John Staradumsky

For more than three decades now, it just would not be fall for me without Samuel Adams Octoberfest. First offered in the fall of 1989, Samuel Adams Octoberfest has been a classic American version of the hearty German Marzen style. For many years, however, the most popular beer sold at the original Oktoberfest in Munich have not been Marzens, but Festbier instead. Festbier is, while not as malty as Marzen, still a tasty favorite with notes of bread and biscuit.

For 2021, and for the first time ever as a widely available Samuel Adams beer, Boston Beer brings us Samuel Adams Festbier as part of the 2021 Sweater Weather fall sampler 12-pack. Never fear, for along with 3 bottles of Festbier, you will still get 3 of Samuel Adams Octoberfest, as well as 3 Boston Lagers and 3 Jack-O Pumpkin Ales.

From the label:

The “Fest” in Festbier means the barley and hops have been gathered, and our growers have their first moment to celebrate another successful harvest. What did they reach for? Festbier. A little more malty, a little more hoppy, brewed to relax and enjoy.

Samuel Adams Festbier has an alcohol content of 5.8% by volume with 22 IBUs. I paid $17.99 for my Sweater Weather 12-pack, a few bucks more than past years, but well worth the price of admission. My bottles are notched best before February 2022.

Samuel Adams Festbier pours to a deep golden amber color with a thick fluffy head and a soft bready malt nose. Taking a sip, the beer is very smooth with malt, bready, and gently toasty nutty. It finishes balanced with hop bitterness, but not aggressively so. The malt is the star here, and that is a good thing. A tasty Festbier and a welcome addition to the Samuel Adams pantheon of beers.

And remember, try a new beer today, and drink outside the box.

*Pricing data accurate at time of review or latest update. For reference only, based on actual price paid by reviewer.







