Schilling Weihnachtsbier Holiday Bock

Review Date 1/11/2025 By John Staradumsky


Weihnachtsbier! Schilling has a Weihnachtsbier! Better still, it’s a doppelbock! Schilling Weihnachtsbier Holiday Bock to be exact. I did not know this, of course, until I was browsing the Half Time beverage website and saw it for sale. A 4-pack immediately went into my cart because, well, it’s Schilling and, well, it’s a doppelbock. Of course, I could have learned of this beer had I ventured on over to Schilling’s Facebook page, where they posted about it:

A foundation of Weyermann Bohemian Pilsner and Munich malts creates the beer’s base, enriched by carefully selected specialty malts. Taking inspiration from our 2022 release, we also incorporated Valley Malt’s Danko Rye and German Tettnanger hops, adding a subtle, warming spiciness to this brew.

Schilling changes the recipe each year, so each release is never quite the same as the last. It’s still doppelbock, though, and that’s what really matters. My first experience with German Weihnachtsbier (Christmas beer) doppelbock was in the late 80s when I would bring homes cases of Wurzburger Hofbrau Holiday beer. That was an amazing beer and I recall it very fondly. It is the reason doppelbock is my very favorite style of beer.

Schilling Weihnachtsbier Holiday Bock 2024 release has an alcohol content of 7% by volume and I paid $26.99 for my 4-pack, though online purchases are not necessarily the same as what you would pay in store. My cans are stamped 120924 so quite fresh indeed.

Schilling Weihnachtsbier Holiday Bock pours to a dark brownish color with a moderate creamy tan head and a toasted nuts and chocolate nose. Taking a sip, the beer is medium to full in body, rich and chocolaty. It’s gently toasty nutty and infused with earthy herbal hops. It finishes with a gentle kiss of bitter hops only barely beating out a delicious toasty nutty malt sweetness.

Not quite as good as a German doppelbock. But it’s close, my friends. Very close.

Glad I tried it?  T

Would I rebuy it??


*Pricing data accurate at time of review or latest update. For reference only, based on actual price paid by reviewer.

(B)=Bottled, Canned


