Cimmerian Sabertooth Berzerker

Review Date 4/5/2024 By John Staradumsky


In the seemingly endless cruelty, battle, and strife of the Hyborian Age, a warrior has but two pleasures - decimating one's enemies in battle and a horn of Cimmerian Sabertooth Berzerker to slake the thirst of victory.

Such is the background found on my can of Cimmerian Sabertooth Berzerker from 3 Floyds Brewing of Munster, IN. As much as I enjoyed this Double India Pale Ale, I have to say that it doesn’t sound so bad being a barbarian like our old friend Conan (the Barbarian, not O’Brien). You could do worse than quaffing down flagons of this magnificent brew.

3 Floyds and I go way back, but somehow I have never reviewed an Imperial/Double IPA from them before. How does that even happen? This is not to say that I have never had an Imperial/Double IPA from 3 Floyds, because I have: Dreadnaught IPA. I just never reviewed it. I dug up my tasting notes, though, and will be rectifying that situation as soon as I finish this review.

The two beers are quite different in style, with Dreadnaught being a classic American West Coast Imperial IPA, and Cimmerian Sabertooth Berzerker being a modern New England Hazy Imperial.

3 Floyd’s Cimmerian Sabertooth Berserker has an alcohol content of 9% by volume with 82 IBUs. I paid $5.99 for my pint can, said can being stamped PKGD 01/15/24 on the bottom. Total Wine in Virginia Beach, Virginia sells it for $18.49 a 4-pack.

3 Floyd’s Cimmerian Sabertooth Berserker pours to a hazy amber color with a thick fluffy white head and a nose of intense citrus grapefruit peel. Taking a sip, the beer is medium in body, and immediately bursts with the potent citrus grapefruit peel the nose promised. I get a bit of grapefruit pith, too, and the beer becomes powerfully bitter in the finish. Super citrusy with grapefruit pith and peel and an intense lingering dry bitterness.

What’s not to love?

Glad I tried it?  T

Would I rebuy it??


*Pricing data accurate at time of review or latest update. For reference only, based on actual price paid by reviewer.

(B)=Bottled, Canned


