Brother's Bond Bourbon Barrel Aged Sir Doppelbock

Review Date 1/21/2025 By John Staradumsky



Tucker Brewing Company! I finally made it to Tucker Brewing Company! I had just left the Taco Mac in Lawrenceville, Georgia where I met up with the one and only Beer Samurai (you can read more about that here). Dave had to head to Athens where he was spending the night, but after getting in the car with my son and grandson I said “Hey! Let’s go to Tucker Brewing!”. So we did. It was only 12 miles away, after all.

One of the beers I really hoping they had was the barrel aged doppelbock, and you know what? They did! Brother’s Bond Bourbon Barrel-Aged Sir Doppelbock to be precise! Now, Tucker has fast become one of my very favorite Georgia breweries. Thei amazing Tucktoberfest is a treat I look forward to every fall, and the Sir Doppelbock was the first beer I had at Taco Mac post Covid. So when I heard thry had a barel aged version well, you know I had to have it. At the source no less!

Tucker says:

This is a collaboration project between us and our friends at Brothers Bond Bourbon and Celtic Tavern Irish Pub in Conyers, GA. Our SIR Doppelbock was aged in Brother’s Bond Rye Whiskey barrels to develop a rich spice flavor with notes of oak, cinnamon and vanilla.

Tucker Brother’s Bond Bourbon Barrel-Aged Sir Doppelbock has an alcohol content of 9% by volume with 23 IBUS. I paid $8 for a 10-ounce glass at the brewery. This beer is stronger than the standard Sir Doppelbock it should be noted.

My glass of Tucker Brother’s Bond Bourbon Barrel-Aged Sir Doppelbock arrived dark brownish black in color with a moderate head of tan foam and a nose of toasty malt and rich boozy bourbon. Taking a sip, the beer is full in body with some toasty nutty aromas and flavors, just like I want in the style. It hints at molasses but more than anything else this is boozy, woody, and at the last warming with alcohol. The bourbon notes just come at you in waves here, and along with the strength, that makes this a beer for gentle sipping.

Hats off to you, Tucker Brewing. You’ve done it again!

Glad I tried it?  T

Would I rebuy it??


*Pricing data accurate at time of review or latest update. For reference only, based on actual price paid by reviewer.

(B)=Bottled, Canned


