Von Trapp Smoked Helles

Review Date 7/9/2024 By John Staradumsky


Watch out. Von Trapp brewing of Stowe, Vermont! I’m stalking you! I heard that you and Live Oak Brewing of Texas were collaborating on another beer in your Stowe Style series, this one being Von Trapp Live Oak Stowe Style Smoked Helles. You don’t have to say “Rauchbier” twice to get my attention, so as I said, I started stalking Von Trapp over this one.

More correctly I should say, I started stalking Half Time Beverage, and ultimately this paid off. They had Von Trapp Live Oak Stowe Style Smoked Helles listed on their website, and a 4-pack quickly went into my cart. Tonight I just popped my first can and can now tell you about it. As per usual, Von Trapp does not disappoint.

Von Trapp Live Oak Stowe Style Smoked Helles has an alcohol content of 4.7% by volume and I paid $18.49 for my 4-pack of pint cans. Total Wine sells it for $12.99 a 4-pack at their Short Pump, VA store but I think I got a fair price considering Half Time delivers and I really, really wanted this beer. My cans are stamped BEST BY 10/22/24 on the bottom.

Von Trapp Live Oak Stowe Style Smoked Helles pours to a pale straw color with a decent sized head of creamy foam and a nose of bready malt and subtle smoke. Taking a sip the beer is crisp and fresh bready and immediately grabs you with a thick delightful smokiness. Hickory smoke, bacon, green olives all dance across the tongue, and the beer finishes with a dry smokiness and more than balancing hop bitterness and a hint of lemony hop aroma.

The smoke is not overwhelming but is readily apparent throughout the beer. It’s almost perfectly proportioned to a Helles I think. I would like a tad more smoke, but to be fair more than that would throw the beer off balance. I’m so glad I got a 4-pack and not a single. It’s that good.

Glad I tried it?  T

Would I rebuy it??


*Pricing data accurate at time of review or latest update. For reference only, based on actual price paid by reviewer.

(B)=Bottled, Canned


